Human centric lighting is intended to promote a person’s well-being, mood, and health. It can improve concentration, safety, and efficiency in workplaces or educational environments.
In workspaces, Human Centric Lighting(HCL) Lighting is explained and designed for wellbeing at workspaces and its design principle considers three kinds of impacts that light can have on employees — visual, emotional, and biological.
Traditionally the lighting industry has designed products to enable and support our vision. Recent scientific insights however have shown that lie does a lot more than enabling us to see and be seen. The human biology is directly linked with a daily rhythm of the Sun. With the discovery of the third photoreceptor in the human eye we now know and understand how light affects our hormone system to make us awake when the Sun rises and how absence of light makes us feel sleepy after sunset.
Human static lighting is intended to go beyond illumination it’s intentionally designed to promote a person’s well-being mood and health. We define it as evidence-based lighting solutions for improved vision well-being and performance.
A simple way to explain how it works and easiest to remember is at blue light with high intensity level activate your body and reduces the secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin. In darkness or low light levels of red light this secretion is not suppressed. this explains the so called circadian rhythm or how we have evolved in sync with the Sun.
When the Sun rises light levels increase the melatonin level in the blood drops and we become active after sunset and an absence of artificial light the body will increase the melatonin level in our blood, as a result of which we become sleepy.
These insights can be used in various ways just to mention a few it can support us to live a more natural life even when spending most of our time indoors. This can be done by increasing light levels during the day yet avoid high light levels of blue light in the evening that could otherwise disturb our sleep.
It increases the concentration level of students resulting in improved school performance, in health care it supports patients’ recovery and enhances drug efficacy in industry better vision will result in fewer rejects and higher productivity. Dynamic lighting strategies can support nightshift workers to reduce the impact of shift work on their biorhythm.
You may wonder why these lighting solutions have not yet seen widespread use up to now firstly our understanding on how it works is quite recent and not yet well no to end-users
Secondly realizing affordable lighting solutions was difficult using conventional light sources like halogen or fluorescent. But today however LED technology and its ease of control has developed in such a way that technology is no longer a bottleneck in tuning light spectra and light intensity.
The Challenge of the lighting industry for the coming years is to introduce human-centric lighting solutions in the market in order to let people experience and recognize these human centric lighting benefits.
Some Additional Info about Human Centric Lighting
Human Centric Lighting definition, is the art of creating lighting that mimics the natural daylight which drives our bodily functions. It enhances human performance, comfort, health, and well-being. The most obvious effect of light on humans is vision. It enables us to identify brightness, shapes, colors, images, and perceive information and contrast.
But light also impacts our biology; it affects our hormones, alertness, attention, and fatigue, and also determines our body clock and circadian rhythm. Human-centric lighting takes these effects into consideration to provide a holistic and application-oriented approach to lighting for humans. It balances the visual, emotional, and biological needs of humans in lighting applications.
Why do we use Human Centric Lighting?
Human-centric lighting is intended to promote a person’s well-being, mood, and health. It can improve concentration, safety, and efficiency in workplaces or educational environments. In workspaces, Human Centric Lighting(HCL) Lighting is designed for wellbeing at workspaces and its design principle considers three kinds of impacts that light can have on employees — visual, emotional, and biological.
What is HCL lighting?
HCL is Human Centric Lighting, which is intended to promote a person’s well-being, mood, and health. It can improve concentration, safety, and efficiency in workplaces or educational environments.
How can Human Centric Lighting benefit an environment?
Human Centric Lighting enhances human performance, comfort, health, and well-being by balancing visual, emotional, and biological benefits of lighting for humans. It also improves alertness and concentration during learning by providing a better light environment.